monday, march 18, 2019
7:00 p.m. teacher's lounge (cafeteria 1)
We invite you and your student to join us for a special program (click here for PDF) intended to help you understand and prepare for the college application and audition processes. There are many ways you can improve your application status before you reach your senior year, so it is never too
early to start. The discussion will include ways you can continue to
pursue the performing arts in college as both a major and non-major.
The informal program will include music professors from Rowan
University, admissions officers from Temple University and The
University of the Arts, as well as East parents and students who have been through the process and who will share their experiences.
The program is open to everyone and is free of charge. You are welcome to invite students and parents from other high schools to attend. Light
refreshments will be served.
In previous years, this program has provided important information to families and an invaluable opportunity to meet one-on-one with college faculty and admissions officers.