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September 2024

Regular Monthly Meeting

Jeff Adams called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM


Attendees:  Jeff Adams, Linda Collazo, Jodi Gorenberg, Tracey Hoffman, Tim Keleher, Seth Mirowitz, Myra Ortega, Tom Snyder, Ted Wallach,

Xiaojun “Jenny” Yuan, Jason Gallagher

Greetings and introductions with new attendees.

August 19, 2024 meeting minutes approved.


Music Report

  • Back To School Night, September 19. 

    • Staffed Booster membership table and presentations for all music classes with a Booster membership discount offered.

    • Jazz Standards to perform with many new members.

  • Marching Band had its first Friday night performance at the new East Stadium with over 1,800 in attendance.

    • New seating positions of Band members in the new stadium to be addressed.

    • Color Guard elements and back-drops pending delivery.

  • Marching Band’s first Cavalcade of Bands competition is 9/21 at Clayton.

    • Videography restrictions noted (no parent video, school may only video their band).

    • Jason Gallagher to video the 9/21 competition, 10/19 videographer to be determined (maybe an Adams family member?).

    • Homecoming Dance conflicts with the 10/19 Cavalcade competition.  Palmer arranged for CHE to perform first and students attending the dance may be given permission to leave the competition early with parent sign-out.

  • Gorenberg maintaining a Sign Up Genius for parent volunteers for needed MB game day and event support, including for the Fall Preview Concert.

  • Stay Tuned to attend the 2025 ICHSA competition.

  • The three small groups (vocal) will perform at Radio City on 12/11 and will stay for the show. Details and information for families to purchase tickets will follow.

  • Voce and Belles will be performing holiday concerts.

  • C.J. Davis to be the school administrator contact for music programs.

  • Fall Preview Concert, October 30.


Membership/Treasurer Reports

  • New memberships - 26 total:

    • 3 Premium; 12 Gold; 7 Silver; 2 Student; 1 Faculty; 1 Donation.

  • The 2024-2025 T-shirt final color and design determined and to be ordered and ready for Booster members at the Fall Preview Concert. Jenny to coordinate.


Other Business

  • Tracey will develop a Booster FAQ sheet to help generate parent involvement.

  • Discussion about coordinating a Restaurant Night fund-raiser – TBD by Tracey Hofmann.

Adjournment/Next Meeting

  • Meeting adjourned at 7:56PM

  • Next meeting will be held October 21, 2024

  • Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Collazo

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